Friday, June 17, 2011


 Important Information

Subsequent to our discussion during the EuNat meeting in Sweden, INF-FNI would like to organize the Utrecht Fair together with the federations. Unfortunately, the deadline for a reserving space at this fair is very short. Therefore, we are expecting your answer no later than on Monday, 27th of June.

Information: The fair will be held at Utrecht from the 10th to the 15th of January 2012. The costs for a place with 100 square meters will be 13’800.00€ and 7’150.00€ for one with 50 square meters. Extra services are not included in this price. These costs could be more favourable for all of you (and may be for your affiliated holiday centers too) if many federations would participate. Please be aware that the minimum required space is 6 square meters and that all extra services will be charged to the respective federations.
You will find further details concerning extra services in the attachment.

I would be glad to count on your active participation because I’m certain that there will be positive results for each participant.

Nice greetings,
Sieglinde Ivo
INF President

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