Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pictures of Vivek Oberoi's Marriage

Photographs of Vivek Oberoi's marriage with Priyanka Alva.

Priyanka Alva and Vivek Oberoi Together

Vivek Oberoi's marriage

Vivek Oberoi's marriage

vivek oberoi and priyanka alva at reception

Salman Khan Creates History, Enters the Bigg Boss House | Bigg BOss 4

The host Salman Khan has created history in the Bigg Boss.
While Diwali is just around the corner, Bigg Boss Season 4 seems to be getting in the festive mood already. Pleasant surprises are always welcome especially as an added bonanza when you are expecting it the least.
While the housemates eagerly wait for a glimpse of Salman Khan every Friday on the plasma screen, Sallu will be actually seen entering the house and spending a day with them.
For the first time in the history of Bigg Boss, the viewers will see none other than the host himself entering the house and having a gala time with the housemates. What better a treat can the housemates get!

Salman Khan enters Bigg Boss House | Bigg Boss season 4

Salman Khan enters Bigg Boss House | Bigg Boss season 4 :
This saturday, Salman Khan will be entering the Bigg Boss  house, creating an history. While the housemates eagerly wait for a glimpse of Salman Khan every Friday on the plasma screen, Sallu will be actually seen entering the house and spending a day with them.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mtv Roadies 8.0 Auditions Venue | Mtv Roadies 8.0 audtions

Mtv Roadies 8.0 Auditions Venue | Mtv Roadies 8.0 audtions:
The audtions Venue for the different states for Mtv Roadies 8.0 has not be declared yet. Most probably for Delhi, it would Siri Fort Auditiorium.
keep visiting for latest updates..!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Truth Love Cash 2 | TLC season 2

Truth Love Cash  season 2 will be aired From 5th December, 2010 onwards.
Truth Love Cash is one of the 7 deadly Shows on Channel V in India. Campus Top 10, Deadly Dus, [v] R Family, School of Cool, Lovenet and Bollywood Nonsensex have already been introduced in the series of 7 deadly Shows on Channel V.

Truth Love Cash is a game TV Show where true lovers have to choose either cash or love. Participants of TLC on Channel V enter into the Show with their couples but to survive in the Show they have to prove themselves the top earner.
Truth Love Cash winner will be declared in the end of the Show who will have the highest amount of cash. During the Show, participants will get task to perform.
During the performance, contestants of TLC would have to earn cash. Truth Love Cash on Channel V is all about cash and love.

Photographs of all the Contestants of Truth Love Cash Season 2 (Male and Female)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Inilah Hewan Terbaru Dari Amazon

hewan-hewan terbaru di kawasan Amazon. Laporan terbaru dari World Wildlife Fund (WWF) menunjukkan bahwa antara tahun 1999 dan 2009 sudah lebih dari 1.200 spesies baru atau yang dipercaya telah punah ditemukan kembali di hutan Amazon. Ini berarti 1 spesies tumbuhan atau binatang ditemukan setiap tiga hari, sehingga menjadikan Amazon salah satu tempat paling beragam di dunia.

“Laporan ini menunjukkan keragaman kehidupan yang luar biasa di Amazon,” ujar presiden WWF, Fransisco Ruiz, seperti dilansir dari laman resmi WWF pada 26 Oktober 2010.

Dia menjelaskan penemuan baru yang disebut-sebut penemuan terbesar selama satu dekade ini terdiri dari 637 tanaman, 257 jenis ikan, 216 jenis ampibi, 55 jenis reptil, 16 jenis burung dan 39 jenis mamalia.

Di antara yang ditemukan adalah:

- Anaconda yang dikategorikan dalam nama Latin, Eunectes beniensis, yang pernah ditemukan pada tahun 1936. Ditemukan di hutan Amazon Bolivia pada 2002, pertama kali disangka sebagai hasil gabungan anaconda hijau dan kuning, namun ternyata adalah jenis baru.

- Ranitomeya amazonica, kodok luar biasa dengan motif api berwarna merah di kepalanya dan warna biru di sekujur tubuhnya. Ditemukan di Amazon Peru.

- Kakaktua Pyrilia aurantiocephala, yang memiliki kepala botak dan warna yang beragam, ditemukan di Amazon Brazil. Spesies ini masuk ke dalam kategori hampir punah.

- Pesut pink Amazon atau bernama Latin Inia boliviensis yang pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1830. Dulu dikira subspesies dari Inia geoffrensis namun ternyata berbeda.

- Ikan lele berwarna merah, buta dan berukuran kecil ditemukan di Rondonia, Brazil. Ditemukan pada penggalian sumur di desa Rio Pardo, ikan ini tidak sengaja terangkut ke dalam ember.

Walaupun kebanyakan spesies ini hidup tenang di hutan Amazon yang lebat, namun ancaman kepunahan masih mengintai mereka. Pada 50 tahun terakhir, berdasarkan data WWF, manusia telah menyebabkan kerusakan sedikitnya 17 persen hutan hujan Amazon. Angka ini lebih besar dari Venezuela, atau dua kali lebih besar dari Spanyol.

WWF mendesak setiap organisasi lingkungan dan pemerintah untuk menaruh perhatian pada hutan ini, karena 90-140 miliar karbon dihasilkan disini. Jika karbon ini dilepaskan ke udara akibat kerusakan hutan, maka akan semakin memperparah pemanasan global.

“Tindakan secepatnya diperlukan untuk menghindari skenario menakutkan ini,” ujar Ruiz seraya mengatakan bahwa kelangsungan Amazon bergantung pada kerja sama negara-negara Amerika Latin yang dilaluinya.


Duka Indonesia Mendunia di Twitter

Pesohor dunia berduka untuk bencana yang susul menyusul di Indonesia. Dukacita dari Obama.Tanpa ada yang tahu siapa yang mempelopori, istilah 'Pray for Indonesia' mendunia dalam sekejab. Dengan menampilkan pita hitam dan lambang Burung Garuda, simbol 'Pray for Indonesia' ini, memikat iba seluruh jagat ke negeri yang sedang dirundung petaka ini.

Dari banjir bandang di Wasior, lindu dan air laut yang menggulung Mentawai, hingga awan mendidih 600 derajat celsius yang menyiram kawasan sekitar Merapi di Yogyakarta. Daftar petaka ini mengharubiru susul menyusul dalam sebulan. Wasior 4 Oktober, Mentawai 25 Oktober dan Merapi 26 Oktober.

Sejumlah petinggi dunia, juga pesohor di panggung hiburan menghaturkan belasungkawa yang mendalam. “Michelle dan saya sangat berduka atas korban tewas, luka dan kerusakan yang terjadi akibat gempa bumi dan tsunami di Sumatra Barat,” ujar Presiden Amerika Serikat Barrack Obama di Gedung Putih pada Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010, seperti dilansir laman Daily Telegraph.

Presiden yang pada masa kanak-kanak pernah menetap di Jakarta ini mengungkapkan, “Sebagai sahabat Indonesia, Amerika Serikat siap membantu dengan berbagai cara.”

Ungkapan berduka cita juga membanjiri situs jejaring sosial seperti Twitter. Sejak Merapi meletus, sore kemarin, sejumlah topik mengenai Indonesia masuk sepuluh besar trending topic.

Ada #prayforindonesia, "bless Indonesia" dan "mentawai." Bahkan, #prayforindonesia sempat menempati posisi teratas trending topic di jejaring Twitter. Sejumlah artis dunia memantulkan topik ke jutaan pengikut mereka di dunia maya itu.

Aktor Hollywood, Tom Cruise, angkat bicara mengenai Indonesia dalam akun Twitternya. Cruise sepertinya penasaran dengan tiga trending topic yang bertema Indonesia itu. "Our hearts go out to the people of Merapi & Jakarta Indonesia," kata Cruise dalam akun Twitter-nya, Rabu 27 Oktober 2010.

Bintang 'Mission Impossible' itu lalu melampirkan sebuah berita yang menceritakan dua bencana alam di Indonesia. "Jika Anda tahu dari organisasi bantuan terbaik untuk membantu Indonesia terluka & pengungsi, beritahukan kami agar kami dapat lulus bersama," tweet berikutnya dari Cruise dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang terkesan diterjemahkan melalui mesin.

Tak hanya Cruise, rasa penasaran pada trending topic ini juga menghinggapi sejumlah selebriti dunia lainnya. Mereka mengungkapkan rasa prihatin atas bencana yang menimpa Indonesia.

Kim Kardashian, sosialita dan pebisnis cantik ini dalam Twitter-nya menuliskan, "My heart goes out to all those affected by the quake and the volcano eruption in Indonesia #lifeisprecious #prayforindonesia."

Justin Bieber, penyanyi remaja yang sedang di puncak kemasyuran itu juga tak mau ketinggalan. "Just found out about the earthquake in Indonesia. everyone please pray for the people there. #prayforindonesia," tulis Bieber dalam akunnya.

Rasa simpati dan doa juga datang dari pasangan hidup Nicole Richie, Joel Madden. Ia berharap masyarakat Indonesia akan kuat menghadapi masalah ini. "Indonesia I love you be strong," begitulah bunyi dari tweet Joel Madden.

Selain itu, Joe Jonas, personel Jonas Brother, juga ambil bagian. Ia menulis, "#prayforindonesia so sad."

Dan, Prince Jackson, putra Michael Jackson, ikut menuliskan, "My heart broke for that notice! So just let's pray for our brothers They need our Help and Love and they Need of GOD! so #prayforindonesia."

Selain kerugian harta benda, bencana yang sambung menyambung itu sudah menamatkan banyak raga. Wasior 101 orang tewas. Hingga Rabu sore ini, diperkirakan 200 orang tewas akibat petaka 15 menit di Mentawai.

Jumlah korban di Mentawai itu, "Kemungkinan terus bertambah, sekarang masih ditumpuk untuk diidentifikasi," kata Joskamatir, Ketua Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Pagai Utara Selatan, Kepulauan Mentawai, melalui telepon kepada Sementara korban hilang, menurut Joskamatir, lebih dari 400 orang.

Sementara letusan Merapi sudah menelan korban 29 orang. Jumlah ini pun masih sementara, sebab korban lain terus dicari di daerah siraman debu vulkanik itu. Proses pencarian korban serba hati-hati, sebab letusan susulan sangat mungkin terjadi.

• VIVAnews

Consolidate College Loans: Benefits and Disadvantages

Author: Danne Jhonson | Posted in Student Loans
 Article by Torrie Cantor
There are benefits and disadvantages when you consolidate college loans. Now that you’re a graduate, and after the celebration has passed, you have to take some serious steps in meeting your obligations – that is, to repay your student loans. By consolidating your student loans, you combine multiple loans into one.

How Student Loan Consolidation Works
It’s actually very simple. When you borrow a number of student loans from different lenders when you’re in school, you might have a hard time keeping up with all the payments. By consolidating loans, all your student loans are combined into one new loan from one lender, at a lower interest rate, and even longer time to repay. Although this might sound enticing, it is best if you consider the benefits as well as the drawbacks so you can make a good decision.

Consolidation During Grace Period
There are two sides to this issue. The good thing about this is that you can receiver a lower consolidation loan interest rate if you consolidate variable-rate Stafford loans during your grace period (six months after you leave school before you start making payments). However, the bad side is that when you start consolidating your loans during grace period, you forfeit the remaining grace period and have to begin making payments on your consolidation loan within 60 days. To solve this, you can consolidate your loans during the later part of your grace period.

Repayment Period Extension
You can extend your repayment period of up to 30 years basing on your total education loan debt. This means that your monthly payments will dramatically decrease. If you’re having a hard time coming up with the monthly payments, then this will be good for you. However, by stretching your debt over a longer time, you will be paying more interest over the life of your loan. In the end, you’ll be paying more for your loan in the long run. That’s why it is better if you settle your accounts with the shortest repayment period possible that you can afford. And, there’s no penalty for prepayment so you can pay even before the payment is due.

One Payment From One Lender
On the good side, consolidation will really simplify your life. You only have to deal with payments to one lender, and is thus less hassling to you. On the downside, you could be giving up some benefits that your current loans provide such as loan cancellation and deferment eligibility.
Think about these things. Those are just some of the things you have to consider before you consolidate college loans. It’s up to you to decide if the pros outweigh the cons, or the other way around.

About the Author
Find out why it’s good to consolidate college loans. Read more information on school loans consolidation online.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Elizabeth Hurley to Buy Haveli In Jaipur

Elizabeth Hurley and her husband, Arun Nayar, are in Jaipur to buy a haveli. They’ll also attend Jodhpur’s prince Shivraj Singh’s wedding on November 18.

Honeymoon time for Katty-Russel in Maldives

Katy-Russell leave from India and head to Maldives for honeymoon.
The Katy Perry-Russell Brand Indian shaadi saga finally ended with the couple leaving for Maldives for their honeymoon on Monday afternoon. The couple left Ranthambore in a chartered flight for Jaipur at around 1 pm, while their guests followed by road. Katy was dressed in a white sarong and gladiator sandals, which showed off the mehndi on her feet. She was still wearing her bridal nose ring. Russell wore an offwhite kurta with purplecoloured pyjamas and both had shawls on their shoulders which they used to shield themselves from photographers from time to time. The newlyweds left for Male, Maldives, from Jaipur at around 3pm. However, the guests, including Katy’s mother and father, took a flight to Mumbai and were said to be leaving for London from there.

Katy perry and Russel Brand's Wedding Pics | Perry and Brand's Wedding

Katy perry and Russel Brand's Wedding Pics | Perry and Brand's Wedding
Katy perry and Russel Brand's Wedding Pics | Perry and Brand's Wedding

Monday, October 25, 2010

Arnaud M. in the garden

Dolly takes Over Shweta's Territory..!

As soon as Dolly enters the house she heads towards the kitchen and seems like she is set to take over Shweta's territory! Dolly offers to make breakfast for the house and everyone was happy with her cooking. Though everyone is happy with the food, Hrishant seems disheartened with Dolly's entry as he expected Pamela Anderson to come. The housemate teams up against youngest member of the house, Sara as she is playing the role of 'Narad Muni' in the house
After the chit-chat session, Bigg Boss decides to give a weekly task to the house. The house has to split in a batch of two (a man and woman) and is given 10 different words out of which the team has to prepare a rhyme. While one has to make the song the other has to mimic the same. Bigg Boss orders Dolly to make the pairs for the task.

Fight between Dolly Bindra and Shweta Tiwari in Bigg Boss 4 | Bigg Boss Season 4

The cat fight has just begun between Shweta Tiwari and Dolly Bindra on the very second day, after the latter's entrance in the house. Both of them fighted vehemently. "Dolly is outspoken, violent and rude" said Manoj Tiwari, in an discussion with Aanchal Kumar and Rahul Bhatt.

Dolly Bindra, Assaulted by Raja Chaudhary in Bigg Boss 4 | Bigg Boss 4

The actress hit headlines a few years ago for being physically assaulted by actor and Bigg Boss season 2 contestant Raja Chaudhary at a party.

After the entry of WWE wrestler Khali last week, the fourth season of Bigg Boss will have another new participant - TV actress Dolly Bindra. Famous for playing a vamp in numerous TV soaps, Dolly has also appeared in some Bollywood films including Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya etc.

Dolly Bindra in Bigg Boss 4 | Bigg Boss 4

After the entry of WWE wrestler Khali last week, the fourth season of Bigg Boss will have another new participant - TV actress Dolly Bindra. Famous for playing a vamp in numerous TV soaps, Dolly has also appeared in some Bollywood films including Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya etc.

The actress hit headlines a few years ago for being physically assaulted by actor and Bigg Boss season 2 contestant Raja Chaudhary at a party.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


For the fifth time in 2010 we held an event for our naturist community.

Everyone came together to enjoy an evening without clothing in the number one spa in Israel.

On this occasion, as in the previous events held before, the naturist community proved that they like the Ga'ash Spa.

I noted the smiles on their face and I received many compliments for setting up such a fun evening

The 330 naturist members who attended, enjoyed the wet and dry saunas, swimming pools, hot tubs, showers with sulphur thermal water, indoor pool and, of course, the friendly atmosphere.

The café was open and some naturists sat at the tables to enjoy a cup of coffee, a piece of cake and a selection of salads and hamburgers.

The outdoor pool was open, but only a few dozen naturists enjoyed a swim outside, as the weather was somewhat chilly 22⁰ C. Most chose to enjoy the event in and around the indoor pool.

A sound system was set up, as in the previous event, on the stage on the lawn under the sky
. Most of the participants enjoyed the pool and relatively few listened to music or danced.

The next event will take place on 4th November 2010.
The lawn and pool area will be closed but we will have dancing and fun inside the main hall.

Giora Eser

Operations Manager of the Naturist Community Legacy of Pinhas Barak Israel




For the fifth time in 2010 we held an event for our naturist community.

Everyone came together to enjoy an evening without clothing in the number one spa in Israel.

On this occasion, as in the previous events held before, the naturist community proved that they like the Ga'ash Spa.

I noted the smiles on their face and I received many compliments for setting up such a fun evening

The 330 naturist members who attended, enjoyed the wet and dry saunas, swimming pools, hot tubs, showers with sulphur thermal water, indoor pool and, of course, the friendly atmosphere.

The café was open and some naturists sat at the tables to enjoy a cup of coffee, a piece of cake and a selection of salads and hamburgers.

The outdoor pool was open, but only a few dozen naturists enjoyed a swim outside, as the weather was somewhat chilly 22⁰ C. Most chose to enjoy the event in and around the indoor pool.

A sound system was set up, as in the previous event, on the stage on the lawn under the sky
. Most of the participants enjoyed the pool and relatively few listened to music or danced.

The next event will take place on 4th November 2010.
The lawn and pool area will be closed but we will have dancing and fun inside the main hall.

Giora Eser

Operations Manager of the Naturist Community Legacy of Pinhas Barak Israel



Lindsay Lohan is back in Rehab

Beverly Hills judge ruled Friday that actress Lindsay Lohan had again violated the terms of her probation in a drunk- driving case, but instead of sentencing her to jail, he allowed her to continue drug rehabilitation.

Danette Meyers had asked for Lohan to serve 180 days in jail.

Katy Perry says "NO" to Twitter..!

INTERNATIONAL roaming charges must be high in India — so high that even millionaire singer Katy Perry has gone off Twitter.
For the time, Katy Perry is in India to wed her longtime boyfriend Russell Brand in Rajasthan, Perry has decided ( and announced) that she will not update her Twitter account for some time.

Photos of 57th National Awards | 57th National Awards

Exclusive Photos of 57th National Awards. Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Abhishek Bachchan, Ambika Soni, Ananya Chatterjee and Arun Dhati Nag in 57th National Awards.

Vidhu Vinod Chopra  receive the award for ‘3 Idiots’

Abhishek Bachchan for ‘Paa’

Ambika Soni, President Pratibha Patil and Amitabh Bachchan

Ananya Chatterjee for ‘Abohoman’

Arundhati Nag for ‘Paa’

Saturday, October 23, 2010

57th National Awards

On Friday evening, all roads led to Vigyan Bhawan as the 57th National Award recipients received their roll of honour from President Pratibha Patil. And with ‘Paa’ winning big, how could maa, beta, beti and bahu be missing in action? 

BEST ACTOR: Amitabh Bachchan for ‘Paa’
BEST ACTRESS: Ananya Chatterjee for ‘Abohoman’ (Bengali)
BEST DIRECTOR: Rituparno Ghosh for ‘Abohoman’
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Arundhati Nag for ‘Paa’
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Farooque Shaikh for ‘Lahore’
BEST FEATURE FILM (OVERALL): ‘Kutty Srank’ (Malayalam)
BEST FEMALE PLAYBACK SINGER: Nilanjana Sarkar for ‘Houseful’ (Bengali)
BEST LYRICS: Swanand Kirkire - ‘Behti Hawa Sa Tha Woh’ (‘3 Idiots’)
BEST MUSIC: Amit Trivedi for ‘Dev D’
BEST BACKGROUND SCORE AWARD: Illayaraja for ‘Kerala Verma Pazhassi Raja’ (Malayalam)
BEST SOUND DESIGNER: Resul Pookutty for ‘Kerala Verma Pazhassi Raja’ (Malayalam)
BEST MAKE-UP ARTIST: Christien Tinsley and Dominie Till for ‘Paa’

Russel's adventurous Safari, before the Marriage

As Russell Brand joined friends for a safari at the Ranthambore National Park, Katy was nowhere to be seen. However, it got a bit wild when the paparazzi refused to leave Russell alone.

Russell Brand and Katy Perry had an engagement ceremony on Friday night. Katy wore a maroon sari, while Russell wore a kurta pyjama and a turban. The dress code for the women was saris, and everyone was therefore dressed in traditional Indian clothes, including the men. There were floral decorations at the entrance, which turned out to be the cause of some confusion. The next morning, when those flowers were all thrown outside, the foreign media got confused and initially assumed that the wedding was over. The theme for each day’s function is different. A huge Ganpati had been brought in, along with two big shaadi-style thrones, sofa sets, flowers, elephants, camels and horses.

Exclusive photos of Ashmit Patel in bigg boss 4 | Bigg Boss 4

Exclusive photos of Ashmit Patel in bigg boss 4 | Bigg Boss 4
Exclusive photos of Ashmit Patel in bigg boss 4 | Bigg Boss 4

Ashmit Patel with Sara Kha, Veena Malik and other housemates in Bigg Boss season 4.
Ashmit Patel With Veena Mailik in Bigg Boss season 4 (BB)

Ashmit Patel  in Bigg Boss season 4 (BB4)
Ashmit Patel  in Bigg Boss season 4 (BB4)

Ashmit Patel  in Bigg Boss season 4 (BB4)

Ashmit Patel  in Bigg Boss season 4 (BB4)

Ashmit Patel  in Bigg Boss season 4 (BB4)

Ashmit Patel  in Bigg Boss season 4 (BB4)
Ashmit Patel in Bigg Boss season 4

ashmit patel in bigg boss 4
Veena Malik and Ashmit Patel in Bigg Boss season 4

Veena Malik, The great Khali and Ashmit patel in Bigg Boss season 4
Ashmit Patel in Bigg Boss season 4 (BB)
Ashmit Patel and Rahul Bhatt with Abbas kazmi in Bigg Boss season 4

Ashmit Patel with Sara Kha and Veena Malik in Bigg Boss season 4

Asmit Patel with other housemates in Bigg Boss season 4
Also see-
Veena Malik in Bigg Boss season 4

Exclusive photos of Ashmit Patel in bigg boss 4 | Bigg Boss 4
Exclusive photos of Ashmit Patel in bigg boss 4 | Bigg Boss 4