Video Mesum Ende Nusa Tenggara Timur - kembali beredar luas aksi mesum remaja dewasa ende yang heboh. Nah disini blog info akan sedikit memberikan info video mesum ende yang sangat menghebohkan di masyarakat sekitar ende NTT. Video ini bisa anda download disini bila link download sudah berhasil kita upload. Masyarakat Kabupaten Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dibuat heboh dengan adanya video porno yang diduga diperankan oleh warga Jalan Garuda, Ende.
Video berdurasi sekitar 5 menit itu banyak membuat warga penasaran, sehingga video itu menyebar antartelepon seluler (ponsel). Bahkan dikabarkan juga sudah menyebar di internet.
Dari keterangan yang diperoleh di lapangan, adegan panas itu dilakukan di sebuah kamar mandi, dan diperkirakan pada bulan Februari 2011. Pelaku perempuan dikabarkan seorang ibu rumah tangga yang tinggal di Ende, sementara si pria telah merantau ke luar NTT.
Adegan tersebut nampaknya direkam untuk kepentingan pribadi, tetapi kemudian menyebar setelah ponsel si pria rusak dan sempat diservis di kios ponsel. Diduga, saat itu video belum dihapus.
"Penyelidikan tetap dilakukan, tapi sampai saat ini belum ada yang kami periksa, sebab belum ada pihak yang melapor karena dirugikan," kata Kepala Satuan Reserse Kriminal Polres Ende Ajun Komisaris Alex Aplunggi, Kamis kemarin di Ende.
Anda penasran dengan Video Mesum Ende tersebut? Well silahkan anda tunggu link dowloadnya disini atau anda bisa mengunjungi blog eloan mortgage dan blog Remortgaging. Sebelumnya kami juga telah posting tentang Ayu ting ting dan kata kata bijak terbaru motiasi kehidupan.
Wel, semoga informasi tersebut bermanfaat dan anda terhibur dari blog info.
Friday, September 30, 2011
In Our Own Skin
Friends For Animals Humane Society, Burke County NCA few (16) local gals (and one guy) opted to show their support and their skin for Friends for Animals by stripping off their clothes and getting real! Friends for Animals is releasing an 18-month (January 2012 - June 2013) calendar ($20. per calendar) featuring Burke County residents and rescued pets to raise funds for the FFA Humane Society of Burke County as well as to support the new community spay and neuter program for low income families, REASON.
Order it from Friends For Animals, above. See also their Facebook page, and the Morgonton News Herald.
I have to say I really love the cover.
I have to say I really love the cover.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Ternyata, Cara Berpakaian Tentukan 'Keputihan' Kulit Manusia
Cara Berpakaian Tentukan 'Keputihan' Kulit Manusia - Berpakaian mampu membuat orang menjadi buta warna, entah karena kita melihat kulit orang ‘putih’ atau ‘hitam’. Namun kepandaian dalam berpakaian juga menentukan.
Relawan dalam studi di Amerika Serikat (AS) cenderung melabel seseorang putih jika orang itu memakai baju setelan meskipun sebenarnya ia berkulit hitam. Sebaliknya, orang akan dilabel hitam jika berpakaian kerja.
Ilmuwan mengungkap, persepsi pada ras manusia terbentuk melalui prasangka yang kita pegang. Peneliti dari Tufts University, Stanford University dan University of California melakukan studi pada beragam ras dengan serangkaian wajah komputerisasi, warna kulit yang berbeda dan pakaiannya.
Beberapa di antaranya memakai pakain semi formal dan formal. Mereka yang memakai pakaian formal untuk kerja memiliki wajah lebih gelap dan memakai pakaian semi formal atau kasual tampak lebih putih.
Hasil studi mengungkap, rasisme bisa jadi merupakan suatu hal yang tak disadari karena muncul dari prasangka. Pemimpin studi Jonathan B Freeman dari Tufts Graduate School of Arts and Sciences mengatakan, Hasil studi menunjukkan cara persepsi wajah selalu mengkompromi petunjuk visual sebelum mata seperti stereotype yang kita pegang.
“Stereotype wajah cukup kuat untuk mempengaruhi visual dasar pemrosesan orang lain yang secara sistematis mencurigai cara manusia melihat dunia sosialnya,” tutupnya seperti ditulis Dailymail.
Well, itulah seputar informasi seputar Cara Berpakaian Tentukan 'Keputihan' Kulit Manusia yang sebelumnya saya pernah membahas tentang Ayu Ting Ting dan kata kata bijak. Semoga informasi tersebut bermanfaat buat anda yang membacanya.
Relawan dalam studi di Amerika Serikat (AS) cenderung melabel seseorang putih jika orang itu memakai baju setelan meskipun sebenarnya ia berkulit hitam. Sebaliknya, orang akan dilabel hitam jika berpakaian kerja.
Ilmuwan mengungkap, persepsi pada ras manusia terbentuk melalui prasangka yang kita pegang. Peneliti dari Tufts University, Stanford University dan University of California melakukan studi pada beragam ras dengan serangkaian wajah komputerisasi, warna kulit yang berbeda dan pakaiannya.
Beberapa di antaranya memakai pakain semi formal dan formal. Mereka yang memakai pakaian formal untuk kerja memiliki wajah lebih gelap dan memakai pakaian semi formal atau kasual tampak lebih putih.
Hasil studi mengungkap, rasisme bisa jadi merupakan suatu hal yang tak disadari karena muncul dari prasangka. Pemimpin studi Jonathan B Freeman dari Tufts Graduate School of Arts and Sciences mengatakan, Hasil studi menunjukkan cara persepsi wajah selalu mengkompromi petunjuk visual sebelum mata seperti stereotype yang kita pegang.
“Stereotype wajah cukup kuat untuk mempengaruhi visual dasar pemrosesan orang lain yang secara sistematis mencurigai cara manusia melihat dunia sosialnya,” tutupnya seperti ditulis Dailymail.
Well, itulah seputar informasi seputar Cara Berpakaian Tentukan 'Keputihan' Kulit Manusia yang sebelumnya saya pernah membahas tentang Ayu Ting Ting dan kata kata bijak. Semoga informasi tersebut bermanfaat buat anda yang membacanya.
New Hair, New Nails! (David's Salon Experience)
Lincon (my boyfriend) asked me yesterday to go with him to have his haircut. I agreed to accompany him because I have to go to BDO anyway and I want to have a manicure and a pedicure. Normally, we just go to local salons when we want to have our haircut and have our nails cleaned. Yesterday, we decided to try a different salon, an expensive one at that. We went to David's Salon (Tagaytay). When we got there, I decided to have a haircut as well because I wanted to have my ends trimmed and I wanted to have bangs.
Yes! I'm a QUEEN! ;-)
Lincon finished first. I think he got bored so he just took photos. LOL
I love this picture! I just had to include it here in my post! LOL
Loving my new hair! AWESOME!!!
Lincon loves his new hairstyle. So do I!
Goodbye boring, old tresses!
What do you think of my new hairstyle? I just had my ends trimmed, the length is almost the same. The bangs made all the difference. I think my hairstyle has more edge now. ;-)
(Quick FOTD: Maybelline BB Cream in natural, Wet n' Wild natural blend in buff, Ever Bilena precision blender for brows, Fanny Serrano gel liner in dark brown, Maybelline Extreme Stiletto mascara, NYX rouge cream blush in orange, Careline lip gloss in 101)
Now, take a look at my nails! I super love the color! My nails look fake, like stick-on nails! Hahaha!
Nail polish used: Orly's Everything's Rosy
Thanks to the friendly staffs of David's Tagaytay, especially Ate Lou, senior hairstylist. She's really expert about hair! :)
After we had our haircut and my nails cleaned, we went home to change clothes and then we attended worship service. Blessed again! :)
That's it!
Stay awesome my dear dudettes! :)

Review: AIDO makeup set
I think makeup palettes are very essential to all makeup lovers especially makeup artists because you get to save money, they're convenient, and they save space from your makeup storage. However, you gotta be careful in choosing makeup palettes. You should examine first the great deal you're gonna get from it and of course, the quality.
There are a lot of inexpensive makeup palettes and some are great, some are just okay, while some are not and just a waste of money and space. I'm going to review here one of my favorite makeup palettes. The Aido Classic Make Up Set. This was actually given to me by my boyfriend. :)
As indicated on the palette, this is one of their classics. They have this palette for such a long time already. My Mom had the same palette when I was in Grade 6. I already love makeup that time and when I reached high school, I started using makeup occasionally. I remember using my Mom's Aido make up set and I loved it. My sister did too. My Mom barely uses eyeshadows so it's basically I and my sister who used our Mom's palette. We loved it so much because there are a lot of colors to choose from plus the quality is actually great. That's why I was so happy when my boyfriend surprised me with this. He knows how obsessed I am with cosmetics! ;)
There is a built-in mirror under the top cover.Aido Classic Make Up Set has three layers. On the first layer are 16 pieces of eyeshadows with different pretty colors. On the second layer you'll find four shades of blushers and two shades of pressed powders. The third layer, which is the last layer, contains four small brushes, two small eye pencils, and another 4 pieces of eyeshadows. The only missing components in this palette are lip colors and mascara. ;-)
This picture shows the colors from the left side of the palette.
This picture shows the colors from the right side of the palette.
This picture shows the swatches of the blushers from the palette. Pretty nice, right?
L-R: Upper left color from the palette, lower left, upper right, lower right |
Here's a closer look.
This picture shows swatches of the two powders.
Top: darker shade, Bottom: lighter shade |
This picture shows the four eyeshadows from the third layer. I sometimes use colors 3 and 4 for my eyebrows and they're just perfect!
These are the brushes included in the palette.
These are the eye pencils included in the palette. I use the brown one for my brows as well and it works just fine. :)
- I love that it's an all in one palette
- Many colors to choose from
- Eyeshadows and blushers stay for long hours
- Eyeshadows and blushers are not powdery
- Reasonable price for around P450 (forgot the exact amount)
- Decent packaging
- Convenient to use. Great to carry when travelling.
- The brushes are really bad. I don't even use them. I just used the sponge for swatching.
- Some eye colors are not that pigmented
- The pressed powders are not that great. They doesn't stay on for long.
If I have to rate Aido Classic Make Up Set, I'm gonna give it 4 out of 5 stars. I can recommend this palette to beginners. This is also great for those of you who loves travelling. Very convenient to use because you get to save more space for other stuff.
That's it! If you have the same palettes, tell me how it works out for you.
By the way, Belle from Candycoatedpaw requested for a pic of the Aido Makeup Set. Here it is dear! I even made a review of it.
Stay awesome my dear dudettes! :)

Shirts Off Their Backs
Volunteers Strip For Homeless Pets - KSATTwelve volunteers of the Bulverde Humane Society have taken a daring move and are literally giving the shirts off their backs to raise money for homeless animals.
The women have posed topless in a 2010 calendar that is described as not only the first of its kind in Bulverde, but possibility in the whole state of Texas.
The KSAT link features video of the story, and includes some images from the calendar itself. I don't see anything about it on the Bulverde Humane Society page, but then it was last year. See also My San Antonio, WMTW, YouTube.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Review: San San Matte Foundation
This is one of my favorite foundations ever! I'm into matte foundation because I'm not really a big fan of dewy looking face. San San matte foundation is one of the bests I've tried. This is not a new product of San San. My Mom actually had one of this when I was still in high school? I'm not sure but she had this foundation even before I started learning how to use makeup.
I got the shade 03. Well it's actually darker than my natural skin tone but I chose this one because it has a yellow undertone. I just use a powder lighter than my skin tone to set it so that it would match my natural skin color and I'm telling you, the result is awesome. It's like I'm wearing a foundation that matches my skin color, very natural.
I also loooove the packaging. It comes in a small bottle that looks like a nail polish bottle when closed. One of the many great things about this product is the applicator. It's really like a nail polish but instead of a nail polish brush, a small spatula is attached onto the cap (look at the picture above). I love the packaging especially the small spatula because you can control how much product you want to get and I think it's very hygienic as well. You can clean the spatula after using it. Another awesome thing about the San San matte foundation is that they're really affordable. I only got this for P130 and they're not even on sale! Hahaha! =D
The only problem I have with this foundation is that they don't have a wide variety of shades to choose from. I think they only have 5 or 6. They have the green one (which my Mother had before) for correcting the redness of the face, a shade that is almost close to white, an ivory-like shade which is very light but has yellow undertone, this one (no.3), and their darkest one which has pinkish/reddish undertone. I'm not sure if that's all they have. If you want to check it out for yourself, just go to any HBC outlets. :)
Keep on reading to see why I love them so much.
Okay, so this is me and my bare face. Look at all those little blemishes and the circles around my eyes!
After applying the San San matte foundation, VOILA! See the huge difference?
My blemishes were not that visible anymore and my dark circles were totally concealed. My face looks smooth and flawless!
Now, this is me after applying powder, blush-on, lipstick and all that jazz.
I look awesome! Hahaha! My face just looked so flawless and it's all thanks to San San matte foundation.
The foundation stays on pretty well for long hours, too. 6-7 hours tops.
This is me after 2 hours.
After 4 hours...
After 9 hours.
I love this foundation! I also use them on my clients. This is definitely in my top list. I just hope that San San (HBC) will create more shades so that a lot of women can use this. I totally recommend this product. It's perfect for combination to oily skin type.
I hope you liked this one.
Stay awesome my dear dudettes! :)

Salisbury City Belles
Salisbury City FC Supporters Club - City Belles Charity CalenderThe 'City Belles' calendar has come about following my [Suzie Iles] breast cancer diagnosis in February 2011. Beth Doyle and I were having a cup of tea and joking that we should do a WI style calendar but as Whites fans, it should have a football theme. Stuart Cannell offered to do the design work and the mad idea slowly became a reality...! Four other brave ladies agreed to reveal all for the cause and the City Belles were born! I was very lucky, and thanks to the staff at the Pembroke Suite, the Breast Care Sisters, the surgeons at SDH and the radiotherapy team at Southampton General, I am now through my treatment and on the road to full recovery. The calendar is my way of putting something back whilst also raising money for the Whites and the Stars Appeal Pembroke Unit Fund.
Order at the above link. See also the Salisbury Journal.
Gun Shot Wound!
This is my second attempt of making a fake wound.
It was just a regular night when my niece, Nikki, asked me to make her look like a zombie because she said she loved my zombie look. (Click HERE to go to my Zombie look blog post)
I decided to make her look like she was shot in the head.
I used the same products from my first zombie look and open wound only this time I used the Elmer's washable clear glue instead of the white glue. :)
What d'ya think? :)
I hope you liked it!
Stay awesome my dear dudettes! :)

I finally got my hands on these famous Careline lip glosses! I found out about this first from Judy of itsjudytime. I watched it from her drugstore haul from the Philippines. I was amazed how pigmented the lip glosses are so when I visited the mall few days after, I went over to the Careline counter to buy the lip glosses. I was disappointed because I did not find them. I saw a bunch of lip glosses but they were different from what I saw in Judy's haul. So, everytime I go to malls, local stores, supermarkets, and drugstores, I check if they have those lip glosses but I really can't find them!
Then one time while I was reading random blogs, I found a review about the Careline lip glosses from Donnarence of MyLucidIntervals. After reading her post, I was amazed even more. I found out that there are many colors to choose from and that they're really pigmented. I just felt super frustrated because I don't know where to get them. They're super cheap but the colors are super nice and based on the picture of swatches Ms.Donnarence posted, you can really tell that they are so creamy. On the last part of her blog, she mentioned that the sales lady told her that the lip glosses are exclusively sold in Robinsons Malls. She wasn't sure if it's true and I am also not sure. So, I searched for different reviews and I was convinced that they're really exclusively sold in Robinsons malls. So, that's why I couldn't find them in SM supermalls and local drugstores.
Robinsons malls are quite for from Tagaytay except the one in Dasmarinas but the last time I checked, the Careline lip glosses are not available there. I can't find the time to visit Robinsons malls plus the transportation fee is a little expensive. It will just be a waste if my only reason to go there is to buy the lip glosses (I'm still being practical, of course). That's why I was so happy when we planned to take the kids (nephew and nieces) out for a quality time. We chose Robinsons Galleria over SM North Edsa. Although SM North is way nearer from our house, we chose to go to Robinsons Galleria because we wanted a new environment. We've been in SM North a million times, ever since I was a kid! Yeah, so when we got there, we ate first and went straight to the department store. Of course the first counted I looked for was Careline's and at first glance, BAM! I saw the famous lip glosses! I actually felt they're the ones looking at me, hahaha! I immediately swatched the colors and gawd, I've finally seen up close and personal how great they are. I even convince my sister-in-law to buy as well. Hee! I bought six shades! I did not buy the other shades because I'm not a fan of those colors.
I'm just a little curious why the pink one has a bigger Careline mark than the other ones, see?
Why I love them?
They are very creamy and real smooth on the lips. They're almost like lip creams already. Another thing is that I can wear these even without lipstick because they are really pigmented. The container is like a tube that you use for experimenting in the Science lab. LOL. You can tell that they are really cheap just by looking at them because of the design and the tube is made of plastic. I don't know about you but I think they're really cute. Judy time said they smell like peaches but for me, I think they smell like watermelon. Whatevs! Basta they have fruity scent. :)

See the price tag? (Robinsons)
Pretty colors, right?
Why I love them?
They are very creamy and real smooth on the lips. They're almost like lip creams already. Another thing is that I can wear these even without lipstick because they are really pigmented. The container is like a tube that you use for experimenting in the Science lab. LOL. You can tell that they are really cheap just by looking at them because of the design and the tube is made of plastic. I don't know about you but I think they're really cute. Judy time said they smell like peaches but for me, I think they smell like watermelon. Whatevs! Basta they have fruity scent. :)
101 is a very pretty nude color with peachy-pink undertone. I love it, one of my faves!
110 is also a nude color but with a brown undertone.
107 is a mauve color. Great for everyday use. One of my faves as well. :)
104 is a very nice pink color. Very girly-girl! I love it!!!
111 is a nice dark orange shade. This can be paired with Ever Bilena's matte lipstick in Scarlet and NYX's matte lipstick in Indie Flick. :)
108 is sort of a berry red. Ms.Donnarence was right. If you layer this color, you'll get a darker shade of red. I love this! :)
I love inexpensive finds like these. The next time I visit Robinsons, I will definitely buy more of these lip glosses! :)
That's it!
Stay awesome my dear dudettes! :)

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