- Cowgirl Calendar for Cancer (in the Calgary Sun)
- Gravel Girls
- It Happened in Farmland (on WIS-TV)
- Pinups for Pups
- Real Nurses (on Channel 3000 News)
- Scottish Rockettes Swimsuit Calendar
- Women of Hope (on BBC News. Eleven cancer survivors demonstrate that there can be life after diagnosis.)
- Women Running Bare (in the Blackpool Gazette and the Preston Citizen)
- Ancaster Athletic Junior Football Club (in the Grantham Journal)
- Danger - Hawick Men at Work (in the Hawick News)
- How to Build a Conservatory - in the Nude (West Yorkshire Windows, BarryDunlop.com)
- Silver Bares (in San Antonio Express-News and Sequin Gazette-Enterprise)
- Wharf Inn Golf Society (in icCoventry)
- Calendar Grans (in The Press / This is York)