Thursday, October 30, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
10 things NOT to say on a first date
1. "My ex is crazy."
There's a fine line between love and hate, but both are equally fueled by passion. If someone even mentions their ex on a first date, watch out, you could be entering into a three-way relationship. Brace yourself: drama ahead! Anyway, if you're not over your ex, keep it to yourself. Your date certainly doesn't want to hear about it.
2. "I would like to get married and have kids asap."
Slow. That. Roll. Whether you're a man or a woman, uttering those words automatically puts pressure on an already delicate, stressful meeting, not to mention the fact that it's a foolproof way to scare someone off and fast.
3. "Who are you voting for?"
There's a saying in the south about not bringing up politics or religion in polite company. Plenty of couples don't always share political (or religious) views, and learn to make things work. But when you're trying to make a good first impression, it's probably best to avoid overly emotional topics in order to avoid a sparring match. (Look at it this way, if you become a couple, you'll have plenty of opportunities to fight later!)
4. "Can you pay the check? I'm broke."
Hey, the economy is in the toilet. Of course you're broke. We're all broke. But common courtesy dictates that the person who did the date asking offer to pay the bill. Chances are, if your date has good manners, they'll offer to split it or pay the tip. Let's face it, gone are the days where the guy automatically must pay for dinner or he's a loser. But no matter what the circumstances are, flat out asking your date to pay the bill is a major turn-off.
5. "What's your favorite TV show?"
C'mon, we can do better than that. Asking about hobbies and other interests can lead to great conversation, but the last message you want to convey is that your favorite activity is watching the tube with a tub of ice cream. Save talking about "America's Next Top Model" for the work water cooler or something.
6. "Where did you go to school?"
Believe it or not, many people didn't go to college, and totally resent being put on the spot with this tired old question. And while plenty of grads are happy to wax on and on about their "glory years" or whatever, it's probably better to ask something like, "Have you always lived here?" "How did you choose your career?" or another more general question that might lead you to discussing educational background. Again, it may seem strange, but for all kinds of reasons, a lot of people have negative knee-jerk reactions to this seemingly innocuous question.
7. "Can I take your picture?"
Creepy much? But yeah, I have girlfriends who've been waylaid by this gem. For real. Maybe it's the thought of him showing his buddies your photo and bragging about bagging you, or even the image of him fawning over your pic tacked up on one of those cray-cray serial killer wall collages. Either way, ick.
8. "I'm poly-(fill in the blank)"
There are folks who are polyamorous (def: the desire, practice, or acceptance of having more than one loving, intimate relationship at a time with the full knowledge and consent of everyone involved); polygamist (def: the practice of marriage to more than one spouse simultaneously); and yes, some are even polyester salesmen (def: dudes who peddle chintzy wares). Right then. Unless you met that person on a "special" site devoted to that kind of stuff, chances are your date won't appreciate your um, open-minded ways.
9. "So I just got out of rehab."
So maybe you have some personal problems you've been working on. Perhaps you've been in therapy since you were 13 years old. Whatever the case may be, it's probably best not to introduce your new romantic interest to your BIG, SCARY ISSUES, at least not yet. Everybody has problems big and small, but the first date is more about showing off your personality, not painting yourself as a psychotic addict (even if you are, just a smidge). Note: If you are seriously in the midst of a personal crisis, and that includes excessive drug use and/or major psychological treatment, not to be all judgey, but you probably shouldn't be on a date right now.
10. "So ya wanna come back to my place?"
Not everyone is old-fashioned about first dates. The right time to sleep with someone is up to you, but numerous informal polls, um, around the office show that when a guy propositions a woman for sex on the first date, she tends to get skeeved, and when a girl does the same, many dudes are likely to file her in the one night stand category. Double standard? Sure. And yes, some couples do have sex on the first date and there is nothing wrong with that. But I think you know what I'm sayin'...
Related: what not to say on a first date, the first date, first date tips, dating
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Creative picture

Just thought you might want to know. I work for a localmagazine in the US and I do alot of work for variuos models in photoshop Iwould love to use of your pics and send it back to you if you dont mind.There is one pic of you in a pink bikini I could do wonders with. Take careand I hope you catch these bastards. Luv ya.Dano
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Perfectly Aged

When Laurie Ford of Gulf Breeze saw the Council on Aging of West Florida's call for senior citizens to appear in a benefit calendar, she immediately nominated her lovely stepmother-in-law, Jacque Spirson-Ford.They're $20 plus postage: Get it from the Council on Aging of West Florida. Read about it at the Pensacola News-Journal.
The only hitch? She didn't realize it was a "nearly nude" calendar.
"It was like, 'Whoops!'" Ford said, laughing. "I didn't know until Jacque called to tell me she'd been contacted about doing a nude calendar. Of course, she thought it was funny."
The 79-year-old Spirson-Ford, who was photographed lounging on a motorcycle with her dog, Oscar, is one of several area senior citizens who dared to bare it all (behind some carefully placed props) for the council's 2009 "Perfectly Aged" calendar. The popular calendar series, now in its third year, is the agency's largest fundraiser.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Geoff Smith Foundation

The cheeky calendars have become a surprise hit with almost 300 of the 400 £10 calendars being sold in the past few weeks.To buy a calendar email More details and pictures at the Hampshire Chronicle.
Money raised from the calendar will go towards the foundation which helps people with multiple sclerosis (MS).
Friday, October 17, 2008
Lighter Life

SUPER slimmers from Coventry have dared to bare all for a new fund-raising calendar.£5 each: More information in the Coventry Observer. Order by e-mailing or calling 7655 3388.
The 13 ladies decided to pose naked to raise money for Cancer Research UK - Breast Cancer after losing an astonishing 65 stone between them.
...All the participants were regulars at the Lighter Life weight loss group ran by Jenny McDonald, who also features in the calendar herself.
She said: "I asked some of the ladies back in April if it's something they would do and within three days I had enough volunteers - but they insisted if they did it that I did as well!"
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My Zombie Pin-up

This 13 month calendar is stuffed with more dead sexy girls than you can fit in a shallow grave. We dug up the idea of the vintage 1950's pin-up and hit it over the head with a shovel. Let yourself get infected by these bloody gore-gous women who are just dying to get under your skin.$19.99 from See also io9. There's no charity, and it features professional models, which puts the project technically outside my chosen specialty, but I can.. not... resist... ...braaainnnssss...
This is a grassroots guerilla artist collaboration. Based in San Francisco, most of these photos were shot in Golden Gate Park; can you guess where?
I Heart Brooklyn Girls

As with last year’s calendar, this project offers a new group of ladies from Brooklyn, but is fashioned after images made popular by pinup artists Elvgren and Vargas. The calendar showcases a dozen campy career girls in authentic vintage garments, lingerie and swimwear. From the Head of the Class to the Chemist Queenie, Women at Work pays homage to classic pinup while poking fun at traditional gender roles.It's $12 plus shipping. More information at Found it at Fleshbot and The Principles of Pleasure. The 2008 edition is still available, and you can also see images from 2007.
...For 2009, 10% goes to The Lesbian Herstory Archives, an organization that preserves records of lesbian history to make available to future generations.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Bollington's Calendar Boys

With just the tools of their trade to hide their modesty in the artistic black and white shots, the disrobed men are certainly workin’ it!£8 from Bollington Festival. Read more at Macclesfield Express.
It may all seem a bit barmy – but this is actually a brazen business plan to raise much-needed cash for the 2009 Bollington Festival fund.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Luann's "Hot Firefighters Calendar"

In the current storyline in Luann, the fire department has lost funding for their school fire safety program. TJ suggests they produce a "Hot Firefighters Calendar", and much to Brad's surprise, everyone is on board with the idea -- even Toni, the one firefighter everyone agrees belongs in such a calendar.
The arc started on September 15, which is about a week away from rolling off's archive. This isn't the first "cheesecake/beefcake" calendar to hit the funny pages: Stone Soup's Wally and Phil appeared in one back in 2002.
UPDATE: The arc ended sweetly, at least for now, last Saturday (10/12) when the last photo was shot. The "calendar" may return when it's eventually "published".
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A Wunderful Cookbook for Beach Bums

They were topless on the beach, topless in Acme’s eggs and bacon section and cooking in kitchens all over town wearing only a red hat and a smile.Yes, I realize it's not a calendar (although the group did "nude" calendars in 2005 and 2006 -- which I think I missed). It's close enough. Story from Cape May County Herald.These uninhibited, Cape May babes are at it again and they want you to see what they are doing. They call themselves the Beach Bums and they appearing on the cover and on each page of “A Wunderful Cookbook for Beach Bums,” a project to raise funds for local resident Robbie Wunder who became a paraplegic following a swimming pool accident.
...The cookbooks may be ordered by mail by sending $11 payable to Beach Bum Cookbook, P.O. Box 495,Cape May, N.J. 08204.
The books are also available at Love the Cook and The Whale’s Tale on the Washington Street Mall, The Nature Center of Cape May, Swains Hardware, By the Sea, next to the Beach Theatre, Sunset Beach Gift Shop, Cape May Winery on Townbank Road, Love the Cook, Stone Harbor and Dock Mike’s at the South Jersey Marina.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust

The Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust have just issued a cheeky calendar with TV and Sports Stars.I feel like I've arrived when I receive e-mail from the actual calendar photographer. (Thank you, Steve Rose!) I should also point out that this is but one of several calendars available from the YDMT, although the others "only" feature images of the Dales landscape.
These include Steve Leonard, Monty Hall, Sven Wombwell, 6 Rugby Team including The Bradford Bulls, and Bradford City Football Club.
You can find details of the calendar on
Pictured is Bulls star Glen Morrison. See also Telegraph & Argus, The Northern Echo and Darlington and Stockton Times.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bare in the Air

IT'S time for take-off as a brave babe gets naked to raise cash for North West Air Ambulance.I really love to see a group that obviously had fun. Story and pictures found in the Sun. Buy it here.
Busty Alexandra Meadowcroft, from Cheshire, went starkers for a new 'Bare in the Air' charity calendar.
She's one of thousands of people around the world who have posed in their birthday suit to raise cash for a good cause.
The saucy £5 Bare In The Air calendars have been banned from ambulance stations across the region after furious paramedics from the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) claimed it damages their integrity and dignity at work.Story at Lancashire Evening Post.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Business offer For SeeJulie
I had a chat with my modeling agent in Jamaica..
6:16pm Bobby
i tried calling you to go hedo 2 this weekend and also for a 2009 calendar but can't get through to you, why
I'm not in Jamaica
6:20om Bobby
ok i told you when u leaving jamaica to let me be awhere but you don't, the ppl you met at hedo 2 was here at hedo 3 shooting calendar and wanted you to come to hedo 3 to shoot there calendar
Whatever its allways the same BS ,When I 'm there doing nothing bored you NEVER have anything for me to do untill when I go then you tell me you had this and that..this and that ..
I'm about getting things done
not waiting 3 months for a job
Bobby give me your overseas # now
hats the #
For what Why you can write what you have to say ?
Bobby 636pm
how would i know that u r not here?
We talk when I was there in Jamaica AND chatted ..
6:40pm Bobby
listen i tried calling this is the time clients need u ok, so thats it
If you have any jobs that I can fy in and pays great then book me okay .
Bobby 640pm
well one of the job was US7000 FOR kfc
Yuliana 6:42pm
really was that a casting call?
for that ?
6:43pm Bobby
no a call, every advertising agency in kgn have your pics
who is kgn?
6:44pm Bobby
the advertising agencies LOL
So they wanted to see me before?
Bobby 6:50pm
they have your picture thats why they wanted you, one of my other models went and did it, they want a total bye out now so they want to let the commercial run in trinidad.
Yuliana 7:00pm
so I lost on that sucks :(
Bobby 7:20pm
thtas life and even hedo 2 this weekend they have miss black nude america there
yes today
thats why i tried calling u fr sunday
My girl Kim Kardashian got kicked off