Sunday, December 31, 2006
Happy New Year
I'll offer a couple of observations here; Perhaps you will find them helpful.
I don't flatter myself that my list is complete, but I suspect it is at least representative. If it is, then there appear to have been fewer such calendars produced this year than in previous years.
It may be that the idea of producing a "nude" calendar had become a fad, fueled by the notoriety of the Rylstone "Calendar Girls" and the motion picture based on their experience. I wouldn't have thought that they had that much international influence, but for several years there was something new each year related to them (the publicity from their original calendar, the announcement of the motion picture deal, the theatrical release of the movie, the release of the second calendar, the movie's home video release). This year, the ladies of Rylstone do have a new calendar, but it's available only locally and features them fully clothed photographed with Prince Charles. That doesn't seem to have piqued the public interest as the earlier calendars did.
But there are still plenty of calendars in release in 2007, including "sequels" from the Men of Long Tom Grange and the Women's Curling Team. This speaks well of the project's potential for success, since organizations that failed with the first one aren't likely to produce a second or third. Search as I may, I haven't found any "horror stories": The vast majority of groups that have published "nude" calendars appear to have raised some money with it... and had fun. Very occasionally, an intended beneficiary may decide they won't accept money raised in such a way, which is certainly their right but strikes me as short-sighted.
I'm intrigued by the comments from professor Peter Rea of Baldwin-Wallace College, in this recent AP article, in which he suggests that in the long term, a charity's resources might be better spent in more conventional philanthropic research, to identify deep-pocket donors committed to the charity's mission. I don't doubt that he's right. But I also think there's a place for this kind of profile-raising project, as well. It has two advantages that Professor Rea's approach doesn't have: One, it can potentially involve larger numbers of volunteers (as models, photographers, or salespeople), and two, it's fun, something which cannot be said of cold-calling potential benefactors to solicit donations.
Look at the faces of the people pictured in these calendars. It's undeniable that they're having the time of their lives. (Who among us wouldn't be flattered by the idea that people would pay money to see us naked?) It also seems to me that the innocent delight depicted in these photographs is a sorely-needed counterpoint to the increasingly-sordid portrayal of sex and nudity in popular media. Everyone should have one of these calendars on their desk.
With the advent of professional-quality digital cameras and the unprecedented ease of self-publishing in the 21st century, it seems likely--if not inevitable--that the phenomenon will continue.
PS--Deep in my archives I did eventually find unhappy endings for Spin and Bare It 2004 and Men of Seminole 2005, each of which lost a significant sum for its sponsor.
Of course, looking your best also means making it look easy, and Veronika certainly has that covered too! Posing in a purpose lacey top and complimentary black heels, Veronika stands very still as the camera studies her ever curve. As the lens pans up and down, we get a tiny glimpse of a curvaceous heaven most of us have only dreamed of.
Then, without warning, Veronika begins to do that special dance, and bit by bit that purple lacey corset slides off that perfect torso until all we have left is a gorgeous woman and black satin shoes.
Not bad, not bad at all� read more
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Amateurs Gone Bad features sexy innocent angels that for one reason or another have decided to go bad and pose nude for the cameras. Take a peek there are hundreds of free pictures and clips to keep you amused as you watch these angels fly. Lynda from Amateurs Gone Bad loves to play with her pink dildo. Watch as she plays with her pussy with her dildo in this hot sample gallery. wanna see what else she likes to do, Join today and see. Amateur Gone Bad Sample Gallery |
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Bare Because We Care
Miss December is wearing nothing but a Santa hat and a smile. Oh, and holding one strategically placed cat.
I mean, who can ask for a better lede than that? Congratulations, Denesh. (I suppose, if one works for AP, one must get used to seeing one's words and by-line in outlets worldwide. Little ole me still thinks it's kinda cool.)
Miraculously, the Jefferson County Humane Society's servers haven't collapsed yet.
Even more miraculously, neither have mine. That AP story brought me about ten times my normal traffic, as it tempted people to Google for "nude charity calendar" with their new Christmas computers. (I think I'm in the first page of results for just about any permutation of those words.)
For those of you who are new here, welcome! Glad to see you.
UPDATE: In a story for the 2012 edition, WEAU reports that the 2007 calendar raised $30,000! Wahoo!
Monday, December 25, 2006
At the end of a long photo session Petra insisted to Petter Hegre that a bath was in order. Never one to miss out on an opportunity Petter asked if he could film the whole thing; a request that made Petra’s eyes go wide before yelping out an enthusiastic, “of course!”
Watch Petra wash away her daily woes in this breathtaking new film!
read more
Saturday, December 23, 2006
In my search for power it is sometimes a good idea for change in who has the power. I really loved this shoot! It is very sexy and a complete change from what i was used to so please enjoy. read more
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Two gorgeous blondes sit on their leather couch by a stone fireplace. They give into their sensual urges, propelled towards each other by their radiant beauty. They kiss passionately as they make love, exploring each other and testing their boundaries as they move into a new world of passion together.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Cassie also has another distinction. She's lesbian, at least on camera. She's got some hot conquests, including Naughty Girl Sandy, Sexy Canadian Girl Ashleigh, and, quite recently, Karen from Karen Dreams. All of those "conquests" can be seen in her galleries, but if you want the really hot vids and pics, she's got the entire thing in her special zipset section. You'll definitely want to take a look at that.
Well, I'm keeping you from her gallery, so...see 'ya!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Alicia is a very British girl. She's not like a lot of American girls who are shy about their bodies. That's very fortunate for us, 'cause there's a lot of Alicia to like, don't you think.
Alicia is one of Simon's girls. Simon is a British photographer who takes some of the most revealing, and sometimes the nastiest, pictures of his models and puts them on his site, Simonscans. And it's usually their idea. Simon's girls are just nasty girls. We like it that way, don't we. Take a look at her gallery and see if you don't agree.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Monday, December 4, 2006
Friday, December 1, 2006
I went to the park and I found a toad along side the path. I'm not a prissy girl scared of reptiles! I hold no malevolence toward the reptile community. Viva cold blooded!! LOL! Enjoy the set. read more