Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hi again Angelos:

This is a message I sent out to many people today with a link to my new blog. I apologize for poor quality of the blog, but it is better than nothing. Hope you are well.


My name is Richard Spacer and I wish to announce the recent formation of Kauai Naturists. We are a political and social non-landed naturist group on the “Garden Island” of Kauai, Hawaii, USA. I am a member of The Naturist Society. We have applied to The Naturist Society for Kauai Naturists to be included in The Network of clubs and groups that TNS maintains.

The blog is a work in progress. We are still choosing a logo and understand we need to add photos and more color. We will. Our goal in the short-term is to get an information portal up and running.

Naturists on Kauai, especially at traditionally nude Larsen's Beach in particular, have been harassed by a cattle rancher named Bruce Laymon and his family and employees. They have stated to beachgoers several things. One is their intent to run the Caucasians off the beach. Other things said are fencing off a traditional beach access trail, a project that has started, is intended to stop gays, naturists and campers from accessing the public beach! It seems difficult to imagine things like this being said in 2011!

Besides inviting you to read this blog, this message serves as a “heads up” to the organized naturist community. Kauai Naturists may need your help if tensions escalate. If they do, I will contact Bob Morton of The Naturist Action Committee, and Allen Bayliss at the same time, and ask for an Alert or other advice as The Naturist Action Committee deems appropriate.

Please enjoy the blog and email me if you have any questions or concerns.

Mahalo (thank you)

Richard Spacer

President of Kauai Naturists
Kauai, Hawaii, USA

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