Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dahsyat!!! Banteng Berdiri Dengan Kedua Tanduknya

Memang sangat sulit di cerna oleh pola pikir kita. Coba saja liat binatang super kuat ini yaitu Banteng mampu berdiri dengan kokoh dan kuat dengan kedua tanduknya yang super tajam. Wahc, ini banteng makan apa yah?? bisa - bisanya bikin manusia pada cengoK liat aksinya. Akan tetapi banteng ini...

Sebenarnya di peruntukkan untuk hiburan di sebuah lapangan besar di roma. Saat banteng itu akan menyeruduk kain merah yang dibawa oleh sang pawangnya tiba - tiba banteng ini mengeluarkan sebuah kotoran dari duburnya, Pada saat itulah keajaiban datang pada benteng ini. Tiba-tiba saja banteng ini mutar - mutar di sekeliling lapangan tersebut dan pada saat dia sudah kecapeaan dia lagsung terbang dan menancapkan tanduknya ke tanah sehingga banteng ini berdiri dengan tanduknya tersebut.

wah, yang bener aja masa banteng bisa tiba - tiba edan setelah mengeluarkan kotoran???

Mungkin saja kalau menurut saya banteng ini tadinya nahan boker selagi latihan bersama pawangnya. Setelah unjuk gigi di lapangan baru deh niey banteng langsung "brettttttttttttttttt" ya bagi - bagi rejeki giti sama penonton..hehehehe

well, segitu dulu deh share kali ini,,, Share ini hanya hiburan semata tidak ada unsur melecehkan atau mengadudombakan.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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Apa jadinya bila babi - babi mungil ini bermain2 dengan sang ayahnya...

Inilah salah satu bentuk kasih sayang anaknya kepada ayahnya...

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Monday, March 29, 2010

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Cara Mudah Menghapal Dengan Obat Pintar

Pintar dan Sukses adalah dambaan setiap manusiah yang hidup di dunia ini. Tapi apakah kesuksesan bisa kita raih dengan sekejab?? Jawabannya Tidak! Lalu apakah Kepintaran itu bisa didapatkan? Jawabannya IYA!!! Well, Mengapa saya mengkaitkan antara sukses dan kepintaran?? Karena....

Kedua komponen itu saling berhubungan. Dimana Kesuksesan diraih dengan kepintaran kita dalam mengelola hidup menjadi lebih baik. Sedangkan Kepintaran dengan kesuksesasan apabila anda pintar mengelola waktu dan tujuan masa depan anda dapat di Pastikan Semua harapan anda dapat tercapai. Dan apa bila semua itu dilakukan hanya setengah - setengah dipastikan tujuan anda lenyap di tengah jalan.

Sekarang kita simak cerita dan motivasi di bawah ini yang saya kutip dari

Dari berbagai cerita yang saya dengar, termasuk pengalaman waktu kecil dulu, tanpa disengaja guru-guru sekolah terkadang menekankan pentingnya belajar menghadapi ujian. Sayangnya cara menekankan itu dilakukan dengan cara yang keliru. Mereka sering menggambarkan betapa sulit dan mengerikannya UAN, dan ditambah dengan menakut-nakuti dengan berbagai cara. Tujuannya siiiiiih baik, agar anak mau belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh…

Namun sayangnya yang terjadi justru adalah si Anak seperti mendapat pemrograman dalam pikiran (future pacing) yang benar-benar akan terpicu saat ujian nanti. Sehingga ketika tiba saat ujian nanti ia akan benar-benar ketakutan luar biasa.

Untuk dapat membantu Anak Anda sukses, maka Anda dapat melatih dulu untuk diri Anda. Kemudian baru diterapkan ke Anak Anda. Melatih terlebih dahulu, selain membuat Anda merasa menguasai juga akan membuat Anda lebih mudah mengajarkan karena sudah melakukannya.

Sikap terbaik dalam membimbing anak dalam menghadapi UAN adalah: bangun komunikasi dengan Anak, menggunakan bahasa yang positif, hindari menakut-nakuti dan mencela. Orang tua memiliki andil yang sangat besar pada kesuksesan anaknya menghadapi UAN ini.

Sikap yang perlu dihindarkan adalah : memarahi, menjuluki malas, bodoh, nggak nurut dan lain-lain. Berbagai julukan ini hanya akan membuatnya makin percaya bahwa “dirinya memang seperti itu”. Sayangi anak Anda, kalau perlu Anda cuti dari kantor dulu untuk membantu anak Anda mempersiapkan diri.

Menghadapi UAN bukan hanya urusan si anak dan guru-guru sekolah atau les-nya. Ini juga merupakan tanggungjawab Anda sebagai orang tua. Orang tua adalah pendidik yang sebenarnya, guru dan guru les, hanya membantu saja.


1. Bangun hubungan dengan anak, katakan dengan lembut bahwa latihan ini untuk kebaikan dia.

2. Ajak anak berdo’a mohon ijin pada Yang Maha Kuasa.

3. Minta anak Anda rileks, dan duduk di tempat yang nyaman.

4. Kemudian minta dia mencari dari pengalamannya, di mana ia pernah memiliki pengalaman “amat percaya diri” yang pernah dialami sebelumnya. Misal ia pernah juara basket ball, juara karate, sukses dalam sebuah acara. Pastikan Anda bersabar di sini, bantu anak Anda mengingat-ingat dengan baik peristiwa semacam itu. Cari suatu pengalaman yang benar-benar merupakan pengalaman yang sangat amat percaya diri saat mengalaminya.

5. Apabila setelah Anda bantu mengingat-ingat dan diberikan waktu yang cukup, ternyata dia kesulitan mencari pengalaman yang pernah percaya diri itu. Maka Anda bisa memintanya mengganti dengan mencari sosok idolanya yang menurutnya sangat percaya diri. Bisa teman, bisa orang lain, bahkan bisa saja Anda sendiri sebagai orang tua. Ingat, nomer 4 dan 5 bukan Anda yang menetukan ia percaya diri atau tidak, tapi anak Anda. Jangan Anda paksakan pikiran Anda pada anak Anda mengenai rasa percaya diri.

6. Setelah ketemu, minta ia untuk “kembali ke pengalaman itu” dengan cara meniatkan mengalami kembali pengalamannya. Dan masuk kembali kedalam pengalaman itu. Minta ia melakukan seriil mungkin. Ingat kata kuncinya adalah “merasakan mengalami lagi”, bukan “membayangkan” atau “memikirkan” saat mengalami lagi. Jadi minta ia melakukan hal yang sama dengan pengalamannya dulu, apakah men-dribble bola, mendapatkan piala, dan seterusnya. Minta anak Anda melakukan masuk pengalamannya lagi sebagai “orang pertama”, artinya ia tidak melihat dirinya sendiri di pengalaman itu, tapi ia “berada” di dalam pengalaman itu.

7. Amati, jika Anak sudah terlihat mulai menampakkan tanda-tanda percaya diri, maka minta dia membuat pengalaman itu makin menguat, minta ia mengkuatkan rasa percaya diri itu 10 kali lipat dari sebelumnya, kemudian 20 kali lipat, bahkan 100 kali lipat dari sebelumnya.

• Beberapa orang menguatkan perasaan dengan cara membuat gambaran menjadi lebih terang, lebih besar, lebih dekat, lebih berwarna-warni, menjadi bergerak, dan tiga dimensi. Beberapa orang sebaliknya lebih kuat jika gambaran lebih redup, lebih kecil, lebih jauh, menjadi hitam putih, menjadi diam dan 2 dimensi. Minta anak Anda men-tweaking (mengutak atik) sampai ketemu yang paling menguatkan perasaan percaya dirinya…
• Beberapa orang menguatkan perasaan dengan cara membuat suara menjadi lebih keras, lebih dekat, lebih harmonis, menjadi stereo, dan dari segala arah. Beberapa orang sebaliknya lebih kuat jika suaranya lebih pelan (lirih), lebih jauh, menjadi acak / tak beraturan, menjadi mono dan dari salah satu arah saja. Minta anak Anda men-tweaking (mengutak atik) sampai ketemu yang paling menguatkan perasaan percaya dirinya…
• Beberapa orang menguatkan perasaan dengan cara membuat perasaan itu berputar ke arah tertentu aatau sebaliknya, menjadi lebih ke arah dalam / keluar, menjalar keseluruh tubuh atau terkonsentrasi, dan seterusnya. Minta anak Anda men-tweaking (mengutak atik) sampai ketemu yang paling menguatkan perasaan percaya dirinya…

8. Jika hasil sudah seperti diharapkan pada puncak (atau lebih baik: saat menjelang puncak), maka secara terfokus dan mantap, mintalah Anak Anda menggenggamkan telapak tangan kirinya dengan jempol berada dalam genggaman, dan menarik nafas sekuat-kuatnya sambil berniat bulat “Setiap kali saya menggenggamkan tangan kiri saya seperti ini sambil meniatkan percaya diri, maka saya LANGSUNG percaya diri. (Hindari mengucapkan “maka saya ‘AKAN”’percaya diri”).

• Catatan Untuk Anda :
Tanda ini disebut anchor, dan sebenarnya boleh saja memilih tanda yang lain, yang penting unik dan tidak mudah terpicu, atau tidak sengaja terpicu. Saya menganjurkan penggunaan tangan kiri, karena supaya tangan kanan terbebas mengerjakan soal ujian.

9. Kemudian Anda katakan kalimat ini “SAMBIL terus merasakan percaya diri yang luar biasa ini, maka saya minta kamu (atau ganti dengan nama Anak Anda) untuk membayangkan di depanmu ada meja ujian di ruangan UAN nanti. Bayangkan ruangannya, mejanya, soal ujiannya, dan baju yang kamu kenakan. Pada hitungan ketiga, kamu melangkah kedepan, masuk ke dalam bayangan itu dan menjadi satu dengan bayangan dirimu itu sambil terus menggenggam kedua tanganmu dan tetap merasakan percaya diri itu.

10. Katakan “Siap-siap, 1, 2, 3! Masuk kedalam gambaran dirimu itu, dan alami seolah-olah sedang mengerjakan ujian, sambil terus merasakan percaya diri itu…” Perhatikan kondisi fisiologis anak Anda apakah Anda tanda-tanda ia mengalami seperti perasaan takut dan sebagainya, ataukah ia terlihat percaya diri?. Jika ada tanda-tanda seperti ketakutan dan sebagainya, maka secara perlahan akhiri latihan ini dulu, dengan cara minta ia melangkah mundur lagi dan membuka matanya.

• Jika ini yang dialami, artinya rasa percaya diri yang dibangun tadi kurang kuat, ulangi beberapa kali dan semuanya di-anchor ditempat yang sama. Ini disebut sebagai menumpuk-numpuk anchor (compounding anchor).
• Kemudian, tes, apakah jika ia diminta menggenggam tangan seperti itu dan fokus, apakah ia kembali merasakan percaya diri itu. Jika ya berarti bagus.
• Jika belum, maka selain belum kuat, disebabkan oleh cara “mengalami ulang” yang kurang tepat. Cara mengalami ulang harus dilakukan dengan “ia masuk kembali secara terlibat, bukan dengan cara ia membayangkan dirinya sendiri”. Anak harus dibimbing mengalami perasaan ulang yang sangat riil.

11. Setelah latihan ini berhasil, artinya si Anak sudah melakukan dua hal :

Membuat tombol pemicu percaya diri, yang sewaktu-waktu bisa dipicu saat membutuhkan. Misal anak dalam ujian merasa tidak percaya diri, maka ia tinggal menggenggamkan tangan kirinya sambil menarik nafas dan fokus.
• Membuat latihan mental “mengerjakan soal ujian dengan rasa percaya diri”.

12. Catatan :
• Upayakan anak menggunakan pakaian yang rencananya sama dengan dipakai waktu ujian nanti.
• Sepanjang latihan ini, hindari menyentuh Anak Anda, agar tidak menimbulkan asosiasi neurologis yang tidak perlu, sehingga tidak sengaja tercipta anchor yang tidak perlu.

Latihan di atas adalah yang pertama kali dilakukan, lakukan secara sungguh-sungguh, namun tetap rileks, dan menyenangkan. Hindari memarahi anak Anda jika belum berhasil, konsultasikan dengan Praktisi NLP di sekitar Anda.


1. Lakukan persis seperti latihan di atas, namun dengan cara meminta si anak :
• Mencari dan memasuki pengalamannya ketika ia merasa paling punya pikiran jernih dan merasa paling mudah dalam mengingat-ingat.
• Jika kesulitan dapat dipisahkan dalam dua tahap : pengalaman Pikiran Jernih, dan pengalaman Mudah Mengingat.

2. Buat anchor-nya secara berbeda dengan anchor percaya diri di atas. Misalkan dengan menyentuh kening secara tertentu.

3. Saat melakukan masing-masing teknik harus memiliki jeda, agar masuk ke kondisi normal dulu, baru berlatih lagi.

Setelah kedua hal itu dilakukan, maka kita perlu melatih yang namanya Instant Break State, yang perlu dimiliki anak ketika ia sedang merasa stuck, bingung, atau kesulitan di tengah ujian. Idenya adalah, saat anak mengalami perasaan berdaya tersebut, ia harus secepatnya mampu membebaskan diri sehingga kembali ke perasaan netral secara instant.


Prinsip terpenting dari IBS ini adalah melakukan interupsi atas kondisi saat itu yang tidak memberdayakan diri. Caranya ada bermacam-macam, sepanjang Anak kelua dari kondisi tidak berdaya. Misal :

• Segera ubah posisi duduk dari situasi saat itu.
• Mencubit lengan sendiri.
• Meluruskan punggung sambil meregangkan tulang belakang (molet)
• Menggoyang-goyangkan kepala
• Menghisap nafas dari mulut, sehingga bunyi ssssshhh, dan menghembuskannya keluar kuat-kuat, sambil membayangkan kepenatan dan lebingungan ikut keluar.
• Menggosok-gosokkan kedua telapak tangan secara cepat dan ditekan, sehingga rasanya menghangat.
• Mengejap-ngejapkan mata beberapa kali.
• Menyanyikan lagu dalam hati sambil menggoyang-goyangkan kepala, anjuran adalah lagu berjudul “Aku bisa!” dari AFI Junior. Cari kasetnya, atau download secara legal di internet.

Break state di atas boleh dilakukan satu saja, boleh pula digabung-gabung, ataupun dilakukan berurutan. Pokoknya bebas… Yang penting terinterupsi dan dilakukan tiba-tiba. Setelah break state dilakukan, segera lakukan anchor ke dua : pikiran jernih.

Dalam melakukan IBS ini hati-hati jangan sampai dicurigai oleh guru sebagi tindakan yang mencurigakan. Lakukan secara smart, dan latih juga.

1. Mulai dengan do’a.

2. Buatlah suatu garis di lantai dengan menggunakan tali rafia, atau potongan kertas panjang, kira-kira 4 meter atau lebih. Pastikan melekat sehingga kalu diinjak tidak terkelupas.

3. Minta Anak berdiri di salah satu ujung garis, menghdap ke ujung yang yang lain. Minta anak membayangkan bahwa ujung garis di mana ia berdiri sebagai saat ini, dan ujung garis lainnya adalah saat ujian.

4. Minta ia membayangkan dirinya sedang mengerjakan proses ujian DENGAN SUKSES di ujung garis tujuan. Buat gambarannya se-riil mungkin di pikiran.

5. Kemudian, minta Anak membayangkan garis panjangnya dibagi jumlah hari yang tersisa sebelum ujian. Misalkan kurang 5 hari, jadi bayangkan garis itu diberian 5 titik / tanda. Setiap tanda mewakili satu hari.

SAAT INI ___,___,___,___,___,___ SUKSES UJIAN

6. Masih berdiri di ujung SAAT INI, si Anak diminta membayangkan ia melakukan belajar dengan lancar dan paham di setiap tanda tersebut (per hari). Bayangkan dengan se-riil mungkin : belajar dengan mudah, mengerti, paham, ingat dan sukses berlatih soal.

7. Setelah gambaran / bayangan di kepala Anak menjadi jelas, minta ia melangkah (boleh tutup mata / buka mata) menyusuri garis itu. Anda boleh menuntunnya jika ia keluar jalur.

8. Minta ia berhenti di setiap titik dan menyelami perasaan belajar itu, SAMBIL ia memicu tombol anchor 1 dan 2 secara bersamaan. Sehingga Anak akan merasakan belajar sambil percaya diri, dan merasa pikiran jernih serta daya ingat kuat.

9. Teruskan ia melangkah setelah cukup di satu tanda, dan berhent lagi di setiap tanda dengan cara yang sama. Lakukan terus hingga ia sampai di ujung SUKSES UJIAN.

10. Selama perasaan SUKSES UJIAN, sambil memicu kedua Anchor itu lagi secara bersamaan. Anda secara lembut boleh mengecek disetiap titik dan ujung SUKSES UJIAN ini dengan pertanyaan “Apa yang kamu rasakan?”. Jika perasaannya kurang positif, bimbing ia masuk ke kondisi Percaya Diri, Pikiran Jernih, dan Daya Ingat Bagus.

11. Setelah merasa cukup di ujung UJIAN SUKSES, minta anak memanjatkan perasaan syukur pada Yang Maha Pencipta dan Yang Maha Tahu.

12. Kemudian minta ia melangkah lagi selangkah keluar dari garis ujung UJIAN SUKSES itu, katakan “Kamu sekarang melangkah satu langkah yang berarti sudah keluar dari ruang ujian, dan rasakan perasaan sudah menyelesaikan dengan baik dan benar!”

13. Kemudian, minta ia membayangkan sudah dan merasakan PERASAAN SUDAH MENYELESAIKAN DENGAN BAIK. Minta ia menengok kebelakang, seperti menengok sesuatu yang TADI SUDAH TERJADI.

Demikianlah, 4 langkah yang amat mudah dan sederhana, namun AMAT POWERFULL. Pelajari dan terapkan pada Anda dulu, kemudian setelah mantap dan mengerti hasilnya, Anda segera terapkan pada Anak Anda.

Saat ujian, apabila Anak merasa stuck dan perasaan negatif minta ia segera melakukan IBS. Kemungkinan sih kecil anak mengalami stuck, apabila Anda bersama Anak sudah melakukan ke-empat hal tersebut di atas. Kemudian minta ia segera memicu tombol Anchor 1, diikuti tombol Anchor 2. Tombol Anchor boleh dipencet kapanpun ia memerlukan percaya diri ataupun pikiran jernih dan daya ingat tinggi.
Nah, selama anak UAN, apa yang bisa Anda lakukan? Berdo’alah pada Yang Maha Kuasa dan Yang Maha Tahu. Kemudian bangun emosi dan perasaan positif pada diri Anda sendiri dan meniatkan berbagi energi positif kepada anak Anda.

Semoga bermanfaat....

thx to :


1st 1951, North Kent Sun Club, London
2nd 1952, "die neue zeit", Thielle, Switzerland
3rd 1953, Montalivet, Vendays, France, establishment of INF/FNI
4th 1954, Lobau, Vienna, Austria
5th 1956, BffL Hannover, Hannover, Germany
6th 1958, Woburn Abbey Park, Bedforshire, United Kingdom
7th 1960, Solbakken, Kysing, Denmark
8th 1962, BffL Hannover, Hannover, Germany
9th 1964, Heliomonde, Paris, France
10th 1966, Athena, Ossendrecht, The Netherlands
11th 1968, Penn Sylvan Health Society, Mohnton, PA, USA

1968, 11/23-24:
Extraordinary General Assembly at Club Regniere, Lyon, France

12th 1970, North Kent Sun Club, Orpington, United Kingdom

13th 1972, Koversada, Vrsar, Yugoslavia
14th 1974, Cap d'Agde, Serignan, France
15th 1976, Naturistenbund Rhein-Main, Wiesbaden, Germany
16th 1978, South Hants Sun Club, Fareham, United Kingdom
17th 1980, Flevo-Natuur, The Netherlands
18th 1982, Cypress Cove, Kissimmee, USA
19th 1984, Costa Natura, Estepona, Spain
20th 1986, Sonnland, Freiburg, Germany
21st 1988, Monsena, Rovinj, Yugoslavia
22nd 1990, Natuur und Sport, Zurich, Switzerland
23rd 1992, Paradise Lakes, Tampa, USA
24th 1994, Rutar Lido, Klagenfurt, Austria
25th 1996, Athena, Antwerp (Ossendrecht), The Netherlands
26th 1998, Partisanen Galaxen, Kyrkhult, Sweden
27th 2000, BffL Hannover, Hannover, Germany
28th 2002, Cypress Cove, Kissimmee, USA
29th 2004, Valalta, Rovinj, Croatia
30th 2006, El Portus, Cartagena, Spain
31st 2008, Tambaba Beach, Brazil
32nd 2010, Pizzo Greco, Italy
33rd 2012, Koversada, Vrsar, Croatia


1st 1951, North Kent Sun Club, London
2nd 1952, "die neue zeit", Thielle, Switzerland
3rd 1953, Montalivet, Vendays, France, establishment of INF/FNI
4th 1954, Lobau, Vienna, Austria
5th 1956, BffL Hannover, Hannover, Germany
6th 1958, Woburn Abbey Park, Bedforshire, United Kingdom
7th 1960, Solbakken, Kysing, Denmark
8th 1962, BffL Hannover, Hannover, Germany
9th 1964, Heliomonde, Paris, France
10th 1966, Athena, Ossendrecht, The Netherlands
11th 1968, Penn Sylvan Health Society, Mohnton, PA, USA

1968, 11/23-24:
Extraordinary General Assembly at Club Regniere, Lyon, France

12th 1970, North Kent Sun Club, Orpington, United Kingdom

13th 1972, Koversada, Vrsar, Yugoslavia
14th 1974, Cap d'Agde, Serignan, France
15th 1976, Naturistenbund Rhein-Main, Wiesbaden, Germany
16th 1978, South Hants Sun Club, Fareham, United Kingdom
17th 1980, Flevo-Natuur, The Netherlands
18th 1982, Cypress Cove, Kissimmee, USA
19th 1984, Costa Natura, Estepona, Spain
20th 1986, Sonnland, Freiburg, Germany
21st 1988, Monsena, Rovinj, Yugoslavia
22nd 1990, Natuur und Sport, Zurich, Switzerland
23rd 1992, Paradise Lakes, Tampa, USA
24th 1994, Rutar Lido, Klagenfurt, Austria
25th 1996, Athena, Antwerp (Ossendrecht), The Netherlands
26th 1998, Partisanen Galaxen, Kyrkhult, Sweden
27th 2000, BffL Hannover, Hannover, Germany
28th 2002, Cypress Cove, Kissimmee, USA
29th 2004, Valalta, Rovinj, Croatia
30th 2006, El Portus, Cartagena, Spain
31st 2008, Tambaba Beach, Brazil
32nd 2010, Pizzo Greco, Italy
33rd 2012, Koversada, Vrsar, Croatia

Sunday, March 28, 2010


The Finnish Sauna Society (Suomen Sauna Seura)
A 12-step guide to an enjoyable sauna session

Reserve enough time.

STEP 2. Begin by taking a shower.

STEP 3. It is recommended to use something to sit on, a towel for example.

STEP 4. The temperature should not be more than

80-90° C (100° at the most). Adjust the humidity by throwing water on the heater.
STEP 5. When you've warmed up yourself, go to cool off for a while.

Return in the heat, throw some water.
Now is the time to use the vihta.
Heat and steam competitions are unhealthy and do not belong to the sauna.

STEP 8. Return to the heat according to your liking.
Spend as much time in the heat as you feel comfortable. A fast transition from hot to cold surroundings is not recommended.Those worried for their health should consult a doctor.
STEP 9. Warm up before washing yourself.
After washing one can still return to warm up a bit.
STEP 10. Finish by rinsing yourself clean.
Rest a while and enjoy a refreshing drink. Put on your clothes only after the sweating has completely stopped.
STEP 11.
Leave the sauna in a tidy condition.

STEP 12. Avoid alcohol and heavy meals before the sauna.
After the sauna, light snacks and refreshing drinks in good company are the way to go.


The Finnish Sauna Society (Suomen Sauna Seura)
A 12-step guide to an enjoyable sauna session

Reserve enough time.

STEP 2. Begin by taking a shower.

STEP 3. It is recommended to use something to sit on, a towel for example.

STEP 4. The temperature should not be more than

80-90° C (100° at the most). Adjust the humidity by throwing water on the heater.
STEP 5. When you've warmed up yourself, go to cool off for a while.

Return in the heat, throw some water.
Now is the time to use the vihta.
Heat and steam competitions are unhealthy and do not belong to the sauna.

STEP 8. Return to the heat according to your liking.
Spend as much time in the heat as you feel comfortable. A fast transition from hot to cold surroundings is not recommended.Those worried for their health should consult a doctor.
STEP 9. Warm up before washing yourself.
After washing one can still return to warm up a bit.
STEP 10. Finish by rinsing yourself clean.
Rest a while and enjoy a refreshing drink. Put on your clothes only after the sweating has completely stopped.
STEP 11.
Leave the sauna in a tidy condition.

STEP 12. Avoid alcohol and heavy meals before the sauna.
After the sauna, light snacks and refreshing drinks in good company are the way to go.


Thank you for signing up to receive brochures and updates from Vigla Natura Ltd about Vassaliki Naturist Club in Kefalonia, Greece. We are very proud of our resort in Kefalonia that has now completed three successful summers. In 2009 we had a record number of return guests which spoke for 30% of our total visitors.

Our 12 large modern self-catering rooms in the rural village location with splendid mountain views is a little piece of real Greece. You will find yourself unable to do anything but relax and shed your emotional and physical apparel within moments of lounging in the stunning surroundings of our glistening pool or enjoying that first cold beer /G&T at the pool bar.

You can see from our new expanded brochure enclosed that you can combine a visit to Vassaliki with one of our naturist sailing experiences. You can privately hire a gorgeous Beneteau yacht for a week with friends or on your own.

Alternatively, why not join our Group Sailing week from the 22nd to 29th June. This is an opportunity for you to book a cabin onboard one of the two spacious catamaran yachts to sail the Ionian Islands in the capable hands of our qualified skippers. Both trips are suitable for experienced or beginner sailors!

In January 2011, we will launch a brand new product: Vasnat South Africa! Custom built in the majestic Cape Dutch style of the Cape Winelands, this new complex will boast top quality hotel rooms, swimming pool and Jacuzzi. This resort will offer luxury, style and the high standard of service guests expect from Vigla Natura. With so much to see and on the Cape Town area of South Africa and beyond, we believe this will be the perfect winter sun destination for many holidays to come.

So do keep an eye om our website where you will find details on all of our products. We will also keep you up to date via our email newsletters so please register your email address with us if you haven't done so already.

We wish you a happy healthy 2010 and hope to see you topping up that all over tan in Kefalonia this summer or South Africa next winter!

Kind Regards
Mark and Samantha Taylor


Thank you for signing up to receive brochures and updates from Vigla Natura Ltd about Vassaliki Naturist Club in Kefalonia, Greece. We are very proud of our resort in Kefalonia that has now completed three successful summers. In 2009 we had a record number of return guests which spoke for 30% of our total visitors.

Our 12 large modern self-catering rooms in the rural village location with splendid mountain views is a little piece of real Greece. You will find yourself unable to do anything but relax and shed your emotional and physical apparel within moments of lounging in the stunning surroundings of our glistening pool or enjoying that first cold beer /G&T at the pool bar.

You can see from our new expanded brochure enclosed that you can combine a visit to Vassaliki with one of our naturist sailing experiences. You can privately hire a gorgeous Beneteau yacht for a week with friends or on your own.

Alternatively, why not join our Group Sailing week from the 22nd to 29th June. This is an opportunity for you to book a cabin onboard one of the two spacious catamaran yachts to sail the Ionian Islands in the capable hands of our qualified skippers. Both trips are suitable for experienced or beginner sailors!

In January 2011, we will launch a brand new product: Vasnat South Africa! Custom built in the majestic Cape Dutch style of the Cape Winelands, this new complex will boast top quality hotel rooms, swimming pool and Jacuzzi. This resort will offer luxury, style and the high standard of service guests expect from Vigla Natura. With so much to see and on the Cape Town area of South Africa and beyond, we believe this will be the perfect winter sun destination for many holidays to come.

So do keep an eye om our website where you will find details on all of our products. We will also keep you up to date via our email newsletters so please register your email address with us if you haven't done so already.

We wish you a happy healthy 2010 and hope to see you topping up that all over tan in Kefalonia this summer or South Africa next winter!

Kind Regards
Mark and Samantha Taylor

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New! AntiCrash now also includes a unique technology, AutoRepair™. With AutoRepair™, scan & repair all your computer problems with a single click - AutoRepair™ automatically determines what is wrong on your computer with an advanced Artificial Intelligence system, and fixes it instantly!

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Inilah Cara Merayakan Ulang Tahun Paling Aneh Didunia

Wow, aneh bgt niey orang. Saking gila nya merayakan ulangtahunnya sendiri orang ini tega berbuat begini terhada dirinya. Apa yang sebenarnya ia pikirkan? Memang selama ini orang merayakan ulang tahun dengan senang - senang akan tetapi wanita cantik ini merayakan ulang tahun dengan aksi yang gila, "menurut saya"!!!

Inilah wanita cantik yang merayakan ulang tahun denga aneh!!!

Well, Saran saya jangan meniru aksi ini deh....Gila Bro!!! mending have fun2 dari pada nyiksa diri kaya gini!!! ok,,,,,,,,,

sumber :

Aneh! Inilah Cara Masak Ayam Paling Aneh Di Dunia

Masak atau manggang ayam tentunya temen2 mengetahui cara pembuatannya. Akan tetapi dalam khasus kalie ini ada seseorang yang berbeda. Ia memasak dan mengelolah ayamnya dengaan cara yang aneh. Pengen tau cara aneh apa yang dilakukannya?? Lanjut deh...

Ini dia cara masak ayam paling aneh dan gokil di dunia...

dengggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ayamnya jadi....hehehe

Knowing Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss is really a should for individuals who tend to be too heavy. You can find numerous ways and means with regard to dropping the weight. This surgical treatment is one of the greatest options for these people who are obese. The folks in whose entire body size catalog are more compared to thirty-five and also have well being complications due to their particular extra fat are usually suggested for this surgery.

This surgical procedure may be the just choices at times, when there is a healthcare crisis by which you need to relieve weight at once. Obviously you will find couple of issues and also risks that are involved in this surgery; even so this surgery is very efficient and easy.

One has to be small cautious following the weight loss surgical treatment so that you can keep away from achievable complication. But by far the particular weight loss surgery is the fastest means of slimming down. The individual has to stick to the guidelines of the physician for the central in any other case he is able to become overweight or perhaps overweight as time passes.

As far as this surgery is concerned the main factor is you ought to have the total within development in regards to the all achievable surgical options. a single need not to look anywhere as he could get all relevant information in the doctor herself about the different operative choices, the particular methods from the selected weight loss surgical treatment, the actual value and demerits of the weight loss surgery as well as the publish operative care necessary.

One you've decided to go for weight loss surgery, you should obtain cleared all the questions by asking yourself the actual surgeon. By no means hesitate to ask the actual issue even when it appears so foolish for you.

You'll find nothing wrong within getting thoughts and opinions in the additional physician who is highly knowledgeable like the doctor which is going to run you. Try to discover the bands and address with the sufferers who got gone through this surgery, in order to share their encounter, whether it is unattractive or excellent.

Along with getting back in formation from the doctor and also a man, a single may also get info regarding this surgical treatment from internet. Another really good resource to get information about this surgery is actually ASBS (U . s . modern society regarding bariatric surgical procedure).Naturally the weight loss surgical procedure brings about immediate weight loss you will find numerous complications and dangers required.

The important thing within this surgical treatment is that ahead of acknowledging or even opting for surgical procedure a man needs to be well educated concerning the this surgery as he has to indication "informed consent".

"Informed consent" is definitely an crucial insurance to be brought in by the affected person prior to this surgical treatment. According to this kind of concur the particular mother and father agrees to the surgical treatment right after understanding the actual possible challenges and also problems.

When the particular person provides complete information regarding the particular weight loss surgery, he will not have undesirable fears whenever this individual runs into the signs and symptoms with the achievable post operative complications that occur because of weight loss surgical treatment and may get in touch with the doctor the second he or she notices the signs and symptoms. For this reason there is nothing incorrect inside choosing weight loss surgery when the medical doctor guidelines you to definitely select one.

Ecommerce Solutions to Sell Services

Ecommerce solutions have become very important for service providers who believe in selling their products and ideas online and expect sales to pick up through their websites. These solutions enable websites to cater to different markets and help them reach out to a wider consumer audience.

Not only do websites get a chance to sell their products more professionally but even the visitors browsing through the website get a pleasant experience buying out those products. Ecommerce solutions turn naïve and sloppy websites into crisp and money making ecommerce websites that project themselves with robust brand equity and give consumers a very commanding impression. The advantages these solutions lend to websites make them commercially very viable and also assist in establishing a very robust market presence.

These solutions when incorporated in websites help users in selecting items, deleting the ones they do not wish to buy, seeing the compilation of the final list and taking a thorough look at the final invoice. Things become so systematic that the users simply cannot leave the website without being highly impressed by the structure and conditioning of the website. When they go through an item that is presented on a website through ecommerce, they also get to view similar items available on the website they can consider for purchase. Multiple choices being made available makes shopping a more enjoyable and pleasurable experience for the buyers and give the website a chance to promote itself.

Websites looking forward to becoming ecommerce websites badly need ecommerce solutions. The solutions will give the sites a complete makeover and make them look very professional. The websites undergo that transition and get projected as strongly established entities selling services that would add value to consumers in many ways. Not only do these solutions help in selling products online but also that they add a new dimension to websites. Purchasing and trading become very easy through them and buyers are assured of paramount security without any chance of security measures being breached or violated.

Apart from assisting websites well in selling their stuff, ecommerce has a lot of other benefits as well. The geographical reach of the website gets expanded hugely and so does its customer base. The unprecedented visibility achieved by the website is overwhelming and customers get to know valuable information about your websites. These solutions also help in building a loyal customer base and help in collecting a lot of customer data. Even marketing and advertising costs are reduced tremendously with the inclusion of these services. Websites bringing these services onboard always get a cutting edge over others and become a colossus of sorts.

Getting hold of ecommerce solutions are the best and most suitable decision an enterprise that sells products can take. The business starts growing within no time and the sales start escalating even before somebody blinks an eye. The solutions change the landscape of the website and it is recommended that every seller gets these services to increase productivity.

The Most Effective Acne Scar Skin Care is Made from All Natural Ingredients

Were you aware that the most effective acne scar skin care formulas are made from all natural ingredients that can treat numerous problems that afflict the skin? Many people are constantly in search of effective formulas to reduce the scarring caused by blemishes on the skin, and the scarring that results from tearing of the dermis. There are several natural compounds that will help to fade these unsightly marks.

Stretch marks are a form of scarring caused by rapid stretching of the skin due to pregnancy and weight gain, or rapid growth during puberty or muscle building. The glucocorticoid hormones in your body prevent the fibroblasts in your skin from forming collagen and elastin fibers which are necessary for keeping rapidly growing skin taut. This causes there to not be enough supportive tissue within the skin to keep tearing from occurring.

Acne scar skin care is necessary due to the marks formed by the inflammatory strain of acne vulgaris, which tends to mostly affect areas of the skin that have the densest population of sebaceous follicles. The comedones, inflammatory pustules, nodules, and papules that develop due to the inflammation in the philosebaceous units often result in unsightly scarring. Let me tell you how you can treat both stretch marks and acne scarring.

Jojoba oil has been proven to be very effective in the reduction of stretch marks on the skin, and it has been shown to lighten and heal scarring caused by other problems as well. This effective skin softener and moisturizer is beneficial in treating acne, and is even used in the treatment of more serious skin ailments such as psoriasis. Jojoba has been used for hundreds of years for its ability to heal the skin, and it even reduces wrinkles.

Shea butter is an exceptional emollient, which has shown positive results when it comes to soothing inflammation, and reducing scarring, blemishes, and brown spots on the skin. Regular use of products containing Shea butter will help with itching, eczema, insect bites, sunburn, and other skin conditions. As in the case of Jojoba, Shea butter has also been proven effective for wrinkle reduction.

No acne scar skin care formula would be complete without the inclusion of grape seed oil. This compound is an extremely powerful antioxidant, which has proven especially effective for repairing the sensitive skin surrounding your eyes. Grape seed oil significantly reduces stretch marks and scarring on the skin, and is useful in protecting yourself from a variety of other problems unrelated to the skin.

Aside from acne scar skin care, grape seed oil is useful in treating and preventing circulatory disorders such as varicose veins, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetic neuropathy, and myocardial and cerebral infarction. It is also effective for wound healing, macular degeneration, cancer prevention, and the prevention of collagen breakdown associated with aging and collagen diseases.

Well, there are the compounds that I recommend for acne scar skin care, and fading stretch marks. Since all of these compounds have an anti aging effect on the skin you can double your benefit. Your skin can be free of unsightly scarring, and remain firmer and younger looking, which is a win/win situation if I have ever heard one.

To learn more about unique ingredients for healthy skin, and other incredible substances you’ve probably never heard of, visit my website today.

Free Download Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended Patch & Keygen

Adobe has been working really hard lately. Creative Suite 4 (CS4) might be its most substantial update yet. Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended Patch & Keygen (100% working!)
There are now lots of different options for suites, but common to all is Photoshop. Some of the new features expand on previous Creative Suite tools, while others are new. Adobe has improved Photoshop in the areas of 3D, adjustments, image viewing, animation, and many more corners of its robust toolset. Here's a look at what's new and why this upgrade may be the best deal yet.

3D tools in Photoshop CS3 Extended were fairly rudimentary. While basic, they let you import an object and do some fine-tuning of its textures. For CS4, the entire 3D section of Photoshop has been rebuilt from the ground up for maximum performance. Photoshop CS4 Extended expands the 3D toolset immensely, offering direct painting on 3D models, image wrapping, extrusions, advanced lighting, object meshes, and beautiful professional output. That last feature relies on a knockout new raytrace renderer. While CS3 was geared toward adding textures to 3D objects and performing test renders, its excellent professional output makes CS4 ready for primetime.

CS4 also gets improved GPU rendering, so it takes advantage of the latest video cards. That means swooping a camera around and spinning a 3D object happens buttery smooth. Shadows are improved; your objects can now cast shadows or catch shadows. Objects can have various attributes such as specular shine, bump textures, reflectivity, and self-illumination. Lights can be infinite, and the lighting options combined with the camera controls make it easy to rig up 3D renders. Extensive import/export options mean you can bring in and render out just about any 3D object type.

Almost all 3D commands are contained in a tabbed Parameters panel. It's actually toggled off by default. When you activate it, you are offered an array of choices. A market of third-party 3D paint and texturing programs for various 3D systems has been growing. Previously, you often would have to create all your textures in Photoshop, bring them into your third-party program, export the final object, and then import it to your main 3D program. Now you can do all your work in Photoshop CS4, up to and including the rendering.

With some of my client work, a logo is supplied. Often, I will bring it into a program such as Maxon Cinema 4D to do a little extrusion, add some specular highlights, and just spiff it up. Lately, I have been doing this right within Photoshop. In fact, a recent client wanted to subtly change the colors of their logo to match the background image more closely. I was able to make this change and add reflections and glints so the client could see the changes against the background. The best part is I could render it right out without jumping into a 3D program — which adds a lot of unneeded complexity — and Photoshop is often more inviting.

Another headline feature is that you can now use video as 3D textures in Photoshop. It may also surprise you to learn that Photoshop CS4 Extended has a fairly robust animation system built into the program, complete with a layer-based timeline that allows you to keyframe and tween your objects, camera position, render settings, colors, textures, and lighting. While it does not approach the feature set of After Effects CS4 (see p. 35 of this issue for my review), you can create some fairly robust 2D and 3D animations and render them out with excellent quality.

keygen :

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Using this software you can stop the time for any try-out version software and you can use them forever. You stop the time of a try-out version using this Time Stopper it works via this Time Stopper. Real time & date run normally on your system.

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Easy Currency Converter is a simple currency calculator. Easy Currency Converter will convert about 200 world currencies including Euro and updates exchange rates with a single button click. Cross- currency calculations are based on US Dollar local currency exchange rate.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Free Download Youtube Downloader HD 1.81

Youtube Downloader HD is a free tool to download videos from YouTube and save it to your local computer. The videos can be converted to avi video format or to mp4 (compatible with iPod, iPhone).

The main distinguishing feature of Youtube Downloader HD is that now you can download High Quality videos, High Definition and Full HD videos from YouTube.

What's new in latest version:
Option to download Full HD videos from Youtube
Fixed a bug with filenames
Support for big video files
Unicode support: Youtube Downloader HD can save movies with Chinese, Japanese, Cyrillic, etc names.....